AAAI.2022 - Philosophy and Ethics of AI

Total: 15

#1 Why Fair Labels Can Yield Unfair Predictions: Graphical Conditions for Introduced Unfairness [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Carolyn Ashurst ; Ryan Carey ; Silvia Chiappa ; Tom Everitt

In addition to reproducing discriminatory relationships in the training data, machine learning (ML) systems can also introduce or amplify discriminatory effects. We refer to this as introduced unfairness, and investigate the conditions under which it may arise. To this end, we propose introduced total variation as a measure of introduced unfairness, and establish graphical conditions under which it may be incentivised to occur. These criteria imply that adding the sensitive attribute as a feature removes the incentive for introduced variation under well-behaved loss functions. Additionally, taking a causal perspective, introduced path-specific effects shed light on the issue of when specific paths should be considered fair.

#2 Incorporating Item Frequency for Differentially Private Set Union [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ricardo Silva Carvalho ; Ke Wang ; Lovedeep Singh Gondara

We study the problem of releasing the set union of users' items subject to differential privacy. Previous approaches consider only the set of items for each user as the input. We propose incorporating the item frequency, which is typically available in set union problems, to boost the utility of private mechanisms. However, using the global item frequency over all users would largely increase privacy loss. We propose to use the local item frequency of each user to approximate the global item frequency without incurring additional privacy loss. Local item frequency allows us to design greedy set union mechanisms that are differentially private, which is impossible for previous greedy proposals. Moreover, while all previous works have to use uniform sampling to limit the number of items each user would contribute to, our construction eliminates the sampling step completely and allows our mechanisms to consider all of the users' items. Finally, we propose to transfer the knowledge of the global item frequency from a public dataset into our mechanism, which further boosts utility even when the public and private datasets are from different domains. We evaluate the proposed methods on multiple real-life datasets.

#3 Cosine Model Watermarking against Ensemble Distillation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Laurent Charette ; Lingyang Chu ; Yizhou Chen ; Jian Pei ; Lanjun Wang ; Yong Zhang

Many model watermarking methods have been developed to prevent valuable deployed commercial models from being stealthily stolen by model distillations. However, watermarks produced by most existing model watermarking methods can be easily evaded by ensemble distillation, because averaging the outputs of multiple ensembled models can significantly reduce or even erase the watermarks. In this paper, we focus on tackling the challenging task of defending against ensemble distillation. We propose a novel watermarking technique named CosWM to achieve outstanding model watermarking performance against ensemble distillation. CosWM is not only elegant in design, but also comes with desirable theoretical guarantees. Our extensive experiments on public data sets demonstrate the excellent performance of CosWM and its advantages over the state-of-the-art baselines.

#4 Towards Debiasing DNN Models from Spurious Feature Influence [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Mengnan Du ; Ruixiang Tang ; Weijie Fu ; Xia Hu

Recent studies indicate that deep neural networks (DNNs) are prone to show discrimination towards certain demographic groups. We observe that algorithmic discrimination can be explained by the high reliance of the models on fairness sensitive features. Motivated by this observation, we propose to achieve fairness by suppressing the DNN models from capturing the spurious correlation between those fairness sensitive features with the underlying task. Specifically, we firstly train a bias-only teacher model which is explicitly encouraged to maximally employ fairness sensitive features for prediction. The teacher model then counter-teaches a debiased student model so that the interpretation of the student model is orthogonal to the interpretation of the teacher model. The key idea is that since the teacher model relies explicitly on fairness sensitive features for prediction, the orthogonal interpretation loss enforces the student network to reduce its reliance on sensitive features and instead capture more task relevant features for prediction. Experimental analysis indicates that our framework substantially reduces the model's attention on fairness sensitive features. Experimental results on four datasets further validate that our framework has consistently improved the fairness with respect to three group fairness metrics, with a comparable or even better accuracy.

#5 Path-Specific Objectives for Safer Agent Incentives [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Sebastian Farquhar ; Ryan Carey ; Tom Everitt

We present a general framework for training safe agents whose naive incentives are unsafe. As an example, manipulative or deceptive behaviour can improve rewards but should be avoided. Most approaches fail here: agents maximize expected return by any means necessary. We formally describe settings with `delicate' parts of the state which should not be used as a means to an end. We then train agents to maximize the causal effect of actions on the expected return which is not mediated by the delicate parts of state, using Causal Influence Diagram analysis. The resulting agents have no incentive to control the delicate state. We further show how our framework unifies and generalizes existing proposals.

#6 Algorithmic Fairness Verification with Graphical Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Bishwamittra Ghosh ; Debabrota Basu ; Kuldeep S Meel

In recent years, machine learning (ML) algorithms have been deployed in safety-critical and high-stake decision-making, where the fairness of algorithms is of paramount importance. Fairness in ML centers on detecting bias towards certain demographic populations induced by an ML classifier and proposes algorithmic solutions to mitigate the bias with respect to different fairness definitions. To this end, several fairness verifiers have been proposed that compute the bias in the prediction of an ML classifier—essentially beyond a finite dataset—given the probability distribution of input features. In the context of verifying linear classifiers, existing fairness verifiers are limited by accuracy due to imprecise modeling of correlations among features and scalability due to restrictive formulations of the classifiers as SSAT/SMT formulas or by sampling. In this paper, we propose an efficient fairness verifier, called FVGM, that encodes the correlations among features as a Bayesian network. In contrast to existing verifiers, FVGM proposes a stochastic subset-sum based approach for verifying linear classifiers. Experimentally, we show that FVGM leads to an accurate and scalable assessment for more diverse families of fairness-enhancing algorithms, fairness attacks, and group/causal fairness metrics than the state-of-the-art fairness verifiers. We also demonstrate that FVGM facilitates the computation of fairness influence functions as a stepping stone to detect the source of bias induced by subsets of features.

#7 Achieving Long-Term Fairness in Sequential Decision Making [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yaowei Hu ; Lu Zhang

In this paper, we propose a framework for achieving long-term fair sequential decision making. By conducting both the hard and soft interventions, we propose to take path-specific effects on the time-lagged causal graph as a quantitative tool for measuring long-term fairness. The problem of fair sequential decision making is then formulated as a constrained optimization problem with the utility as the objective and the long-term and short-term fairness as constraints. We show that such an optimization problem can be converted to a performative risk optimization. Finally, repeated risk minimization (RRM) is used for model training, and the convergence of RRM is theoretically analyzed. The empirical evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm on synthetic and semi-synthetic temporal datasets.

#8 Fairness without Imputation: A Decision Tree Approach for Fair Prediction with Missing Values [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Haewon Jeong ; Hao Wang ; Flavio P. Calmon

We investigate the fairness concerns of training a machine learning model using data with missing values. Even though there are a number of fairness intervention methods in the literature, most of them require a complete training set as input. In practice, data can have missing values, and data missing patterns can depend on group attributes (e.g. gender or race). Simply applying off-the-shelf fair learning algorithms to an imputed dataset may lead to an unfair model. In this paper, we first theoretically analyze different sources of discrimination risks when training with an imputed dataset. Then, we propose an integrated approach based on decision trees that does not require a separate process of imputation and learning. Instead, we train a tree with missing incorporated as attribute (MIA), which does not require explicit imputation, and we optimize a fairness-regularized objective function. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing fairness intervention methods applied to an imputed dataset, through several experiments on real-world datasets.

#9 Shaping Noise for Robust Attributions in Neural Stochastic Differential Equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Sumit Kumar Jha ; Rickard Ewetz ; Alvaro Velasquez ; Arvind Ramanathan ; Susmit Jha

Neural SDEs with Brownian motion as noise lead to smoother attributions than traditional ResNets. Various attribution methods such as saliency maps, integrated gradients, DeepSHAP and DeepLIFT have been shown to be more robust for neural SDEs than for ResNets using the recently proposed sensitivity metric. In this paper, we show that neural SDEs with adaptive attribution-driven noise lead to even more robust attributions and smaller sensitivity metrics than traditional neural SDEs with Brownian motion as noise. In particular, attribution-driven shaping of noise leads to 6.7%, 6.9% and 19.4% smaller sensitivity metric for integrated gradients computed on three discrete approximations of neural SDEs with standard Brownian motion noise: stochastic ResNet-50, WideResNet-101 and ResNeXt-101 models respectively. The neural SDE model with adaptive attribution-driven noise leads to 25.7% and 4.8% improvement in the SIC metric over traditional ResNets and Neural SDEs with Brownian motion as noise. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose the use of attributions for shaping the noise injected in neural SDEs, and demonstrate that this process leads to more robust attributions than traditional neural SDEs with standard Brownian motion as noise.

#10 Certified Robustness of Nearest Neighbors against Data Poisoning and Backdoor Attacks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Jinyuan Jia ; Yupei Liu ; Xiaoyu Cao ; Neil Zhenqiang Gong

Data poisoning attacks and backdoor attacks aim to corrupt a machine learning classifier via modifying, adding, and/or removing some carefully selected training examples, such that the corrupted classifier makes incorrect predictions as the attacker desires. The key idea of state-of-the-art certified defenses against data poisoning attacks and backdoor attacks is to create a majority vote mechanism to predict the label of a testing example. Moreover, each voter is a base classifier trained on a subset of the training dataset. Classical simple learning algorithms such as k nearest neighbors (kNN) and radius nearest neighbors (rNN) have intrinsic majority vote mechanisms. In this work, we show that the intrinsic majority vote mechanisms in kNN and rNN already provide certified robustness guarantees against data poisoning attacks and backdoor attacks. Moreover, our evaluation results on MNIST and CIFAR10 show that the intrinsic certified robustness guarantees of kNN and rNN outperform those provided by state-of-the-art certified defenses. Our results serve as standard baselines for future certified defenses against data poisoning attacks and backdoor attacks.

#11 On the Fairness of Causal Algorithmic Recourse [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Julius von Kügelgen ; Amir-Hossein Karimi ; Umang Bhatt ; Isabel Valera ; Adrian Weller ; Bernhard Schölkopf

Algorithmic fairness is typically studied from the perspective of predictions. Instead, here we investigate fairness from the perspective of recourse actions suggested to individuals to remedy an unfavourable classification. We propose two new fair-ness criteria at the group and individual level, which—unlike prior work on equalising the average group-wise distance from the decision boundary—explicitly account for causal relationships between features, thereby capturing downstream effects of recourse actions performed in the physical world. We explore how our criteria relate to others, such as counterfactual fairness, and show that fairness of recourse is complementary to fairness of prediction. We study theoretically and empirically how to enforce fair causal recourse by altering the classifier and perform a case study on the Adult dataset. Finally, we discuss whether fairness violations in the data generating process revealed by our criteria may be better addressed by societal interventions as opposed to constraints on the classifier.

#12 DeepAuth: A DNN Authentication Framework by Model-Unique and Fragile Signature Embedding [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yingjie Lao ; Weijie Zhao ; Peng Yang ; Ping Li

Along with the evolution of deep neural networks (DNNs) in many real-world applications, the complexity of model building has also dramatically increased. Therefore, it is vital to protect the intellectual property (IP) of the model builder and ensure the trustworthiness of the deployed models. Meanwhile, adversarial attacks on DNNs (e.g., backdoor and poisoning attacks) that seek to inject malicious behaviors have been investigated recently, demanding a means for verifying the integrity of the deployed model to protect the users. This paper presents a novel DNN authentication framework DeepAuth that embeds a unique and fragile signature to each protected DNN model. Our approach exploits sensitive key samples that are well crafted from the input space to latent space and then to logit space for producing signatures. After embedding, each model will respond distinctively to these key samples, which creates a model-unique signature as a strong tool for authentication and user identity. The signature embedding process is also designed to ensure the fragility of the signature, which can be used to detect malicious modifications such that an illegitimate user or an altered model should not have the intact signature. Extensive evaluations on various models over a wide range of datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed DeepAuth.

#13 Fast Sparse Decision Tree Optimization via Reference Ensembles [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Hayden McTavish ; Chudi Zhong ; Reto Achermann ; Ilias Karimalis ; Jacques Chen ; Cynthia Rudin ; Margo Seltzer

Sparse decision tree optimization has been one of the most fundamental problems in AI since its inception and is a challenge at the core of interpretable machine learning. Sparse decision tree optimization is computationally hard, and despite steady effort since the 1960's, breakthroughs have been made on the problem only within the past few years, primarily on the problem of finding optimal sparse decision trees. However, current state-of-the-art algorithms often require impractical amounts of computation time and memory to find optimal or near-optimal trees for some real-world datasets, particularly those having several continuous-valued features. Given that the search spaces of these decision tree optimization problems are massive, can we practically hope to find a sparse decision tree that competes in accuracy with a black box machine learning model? We address this problem via smart guessing strategies that can be applied to any optimal branch-and-bound-based decision tree algorithm. The guesses come from knowledge gleaned from black box models. We show that by using these guesses, we can reduce the run time by multiple orders of magnitude while providing bounds on how far the resulting trees can deviate from the black box's accuracy and expressive power. Our approach enables guesses about how to bin continuous features, the size of the tree, and lower bounds on the error for the optimal decision tree. Our experiments show that in many cases we can rapidly construct sparse decision trees that match the accuracy of black box models. To summarize: when you are having trouble optimizing, just guess.

#14 Unsupervised Causal Binary Concepts Discovery with VAE for Black-Box Model Explanation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Thien Q Tran ; Kazuto Fukuchi ; Youhei Akimoto ; Jun Sakuma

We aim to explain a black-box classifier with the form: "data X is classified as class Y because X has A, B and does not have C" in which A, B, and C are high-level concepts. The challenge is that we have to discover in an unsupervised manner a set of concepts, i.e., A, B and C, that is useful for explaining the classifier. We first introduce a structural generative model that is suitable to express and discover such concepts. We then propose a learning process that simultaneously learns the data distribution and encourages certain concepts to have a large causal influence on the classifier output. Our method also allows easy integration of user's prior knowledge to induce high interpretability of concepts. Finally, using multiple datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed method can discover useful concepts for explanation in this form.

#15 Do Feature Attribution Methods Correctly Attribute Features? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Yilun Zhou ; Serena Booth ; Marco Tulio Ribeiro ; Julie Shah

Feature attribution methods are popular in interpretable machine learning. These methods compute the attribution of each input feature to represent its importance, but there is no consensus on the definition of "attribution", leading to many competing methods with little systematic evaluation, complicated in particular by the lack of ground truth attribution. To address this, we propose a dataset modification procedure to induce such ground truth. Using this procedure, we evaluate three common methods: saliency maps, rationales, and attentions. We identify several deficiencies and add new perspectives to the growing body of evidence questioning the correctness and reliability of these methods applied on datasets in the wild. We further discuss possible avenues for remedy and recommend new attribution methods to be tested against ground truth before deployment. The code and appendix are available at